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Solid State Spectroscopy Simulations

Physics is the study of the fundamental laws of the universe. As such, it has many it has many subfields that study various aspects of our universe. Solid State Physics seeks to understand all types of solid matter and develop materials for current and future applications such as computer circuits, power transmission, lasers, quantum computing, levitating trains, ....


This website is designed to introduce the user to the various (spectroscopic) techniques used to understand and develop new materials. It is meant to introduce users of all levels to an exciting area of physics that is not found in (unrelated to) most introductory physics classes, but rather related to current physics research the actual careers of many professional physicists (and other technical professionals).


This website was put together by Todd Holden, who is a Physics Professor at Queensborough Community College of CUNY. The simulations have been built using the PhET code base, and some of them may actually become PhET sims in the near future.


The simulations are inspired by the research being conducted in Prof. Keimer's Group at Max Planck Institute FKF in Stuttgart, Germany. However, the techniques used and systems studied are typical of many leading solid state physics research groups. 

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